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How To Track Expenses In 3 Easy Steps

Why Track Your Expenses?

Expense Budget Sheet

It's critical to keep track of your costs since it offers you a clear picture of where your money is going. When you know how much you're spending on groceries, for example, you may make budget modifications and possibly start dining out less.

Keeping track of your costs might also assist you in identifying areas where you can save money. If you see that you're spending a lot of money on transportation, try walking or bicycling to work instead.

There are several reasons why keeping track of your costs is a good thing, so perhaps you're convinced! If so, stay reading because I'll show you how to track your costs in the best way possible.

How to Track Your Expenses?

You want to be able to track your expenses so you can stay on top of your finances, right? Here are three easy steps to help you get started.

Step 1 Create a Budget

● The first step to track expenses is to create a budget. Your monthly money plan where you’ll give every dollar that comes in during the month a job to do, whether that’s spending, saving, or giving.

● You can do this by listing out each paycheck coming this month. Don’t forget any extras like that side hustle. Add that all up. This is how much money you must work with this month

○ List your expenses, by planning for everything you’re paying for this month

○ Subtract your expenses from your income. If you’ve got money left over that’s awesome

○ At the end of the month, total up all and compare it to your budget. If you're over budget, then you'll need to make some adjustments.

Step 2 Track as you spend

● The second step to track expenses is to log each transaction as you spend

● If carrying a notepad and pen is too much of a pain, use an app to register each transaction in real-time onto your phone.

● There are several tools and software available to assist you with this, but I find that pen and paperwork just as well. Simply make a table with the following headers: Date, Item, and Amount Make a note of the date, the item, and the price for each receipt.

Step 3 Categorize your expenses

● Gather all your bills, receipts, and other financial documents. This might take a little bit of time, but it's worth it, because the more information you have, the easier it'll be to track your expenses.

● Once you've gathered everything, it's time to sort through it. You should divide your spending into three categories: essential, required, and discretionary.

● When classifying your spending, it's critical to be as detailed as possible. This way, you'll have a clear picture of where your money is going. And the more realistic your image, the simpler it will be to keep inside your budget.

This can assist you in determining where you are spending the most money and where you may be able to save money.

How To Track Daily Expenses

Tracking your daily expenses involves identifying your expenditures throughout the month. It's an essential activity that you should ideally do every day throughout the month

Keeping a record of the little luxuries is quite important to assume someone spends $5.50 a day for expensive coffee on the run, including taxes and a tip, seven days a week, while a cup of home-brewed coffee might cost 50 cents a day, making that a $5 daily. This and many other small things that you term insignificant will give you a headache month end getting you to wonder why your budget does not add up. Here is how to track daily expenses. It's easy.

You simply must be honest with yourself and trim spending on anything that does not improve your life. You will have significantly more money if you do this and invest your savings. And you might spend that money on activities and causes that would benefit both you and others.

Remember that every option has a long-term opportunity cost. It doesn't mean you have to give up all the enjoyment in your life. However, make wise decisions. It's that easy! You'll be able to identify where you're spending the most money and find strategies to conserve by recording your daily costs.

Best Ways to Track Expenses

Budgeting expenses on computer

So, you've decided to track your expenses. Smart move! Tracking your expenses is one of the best ways to get your financial footing and stay on top of your budget.

But what are the best ways to track expenses? There are lots of different ways to do it, but here are the best and easiest steps that will get you started:

  1. Budgeting Apps

● You may practically improve your financial life by creating an on-the-go budget using free budgeting applications. You may follow your costs on your phone immediately as they appear in your bank account.

● As you can see, this is one of the most effective methods for tracking spending. It makes budgeting easier, more accurate, and more accountable.

  1. Computer Spreadsheets

● Many individuals adore spreadsheets and will go on and on about their benefits till the end of time. The availability of several templates, the freedom to modify your budget, and the convenience of having the arithmetic done for you on the screen are just a few of the advantages of spreadsheet budgeting.

  1. Pen and Paper

● Many people use a paper budget as their money-tracking tool.

● The most significant advantage here (apart from not requiring access to technology) is that physically writing things down necessitates an engaged brain. And active minds are extremely beneficial when dealing with money.

  1. Envelope System

● It focuses on paying cash for as many items as possible in the budget. You put cash in envelopes labeled with your budget lines at the beginning of each month.

● You know precisely when to cut back on spending when you use the envelope system as your cost tracker technique since you can see when the envelope is going low. And when the envelope is empty, you've spent all your money. Your money is effectively following you.


Tracking your spending is essential for sticking to a budget. These three simple actions will make the procedure easier and less painful.

Keeping track of your costs is an easy method to stay on budget and in charge of your finances. Put these three simple strategies into action and watch your savings rise.

Need other tips on how to save money fast? Check out this article on How to Save an Extra $5,000 This Year.


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